Are you interested in food, food chains, food quality and marketing?

Are you fond of food products, raw materials from which the food comes? Would you like to become a professional in this sector?

Food chains and Food processing

It’s the new course in Symposium Academy born in collaboration with food companies, food artisans and local authorities to enhance the local food and wine chains. A course for the training of specialists in food processing, quality analysis, promotion of local traditions.

You will have 4 important skills at the end of this course

Knowledge of the local food and wine chains.

Each area has got its food and wine peculiarities and typicalities.They are the result of the foresight of individual producers and technical traditions, handed down through the years and evolved from generation to generation. To know a product, it is important to understand its origin, its history, its specific characteristics, its current state and its future potential.

Quality analysis

A food product has to be evaluated for its quality. You can talk about quality in different ways, sensory, analytical, legislative terms .

A specialist of this sector has tospeak of quality, with a high technical approach.

Marketing and communication skills

Everyone in the world is looking for Italian quality, especially in food and wine sector. Today, more than ever, being able to communicate stories, peculiarities and product values is important for the development of realities of any size and sector. It is necessary to know how to do this both with traditional instruments and through digital channels.

Food processing techniques

There are practical workshops to learn the job,  develop skills required by the market and become a specialistwho knows how to change raw materials into valuable products to be placed on the market.

Food chains and Food processing Course is thought for students who want to enter into the food and wine realities, to explore the production processes, to know the food traditions and to enhance the agricultural and food products

After 2 years of course you have:

The “Higher Technical Degree” released by the Ministry of Education and recognized by the Italian Government.

The competences acquired correspond to the European Qualifications Framework – EQF

  • Two-year course V EQF level
Certificate of porkbutchery

Tasting course of cured meats

Certificate of cheese-making techniques

Tasting course of cheese

Safety certificate

HACCP certificate

University entrance

Entering the working world

Educational path

That’s why this course is different from other ones:

The study plan is defined with companies based on their real needs

The collaboration with “Università Cattolica” guarantees a high quality training course

The participation of companies in the Agri-food and Dairy Sector of Confindustria Brescia allows for field lessons to see live what is being studied

Licenses and certifications required by the world of work

Seminars, lessons and educational visits dedicated to technological innovations in the field

1000 hours on internships in companies to learn by doing and be ready for the world of work

What skills will you gain?

Post-diploma courses that offer highly qualified technical training to immediately enter the world of work.

The ITS courses, in fact, are created in collaboration with companies, universities, research centers and local authorities to develop new skills in areas considered strategic for the economic development and competitiveness of the country.

Train professionals with the technical skills most requested by companies, ready to enter the world of work.

What do you acquire at the end of the ITS course

The “Higher Technical Degree” is released by the Ministry of Education and and is recognized by the Italian Government.

The competences acquired are those of the European Qualifications Framework – EQF:

  • Biennial Course V EQF level.

The rooms of the convent where the course in Food chains and food processes is heldThe rooms of the convent where the course in Food chains and food processes is held

Higher Technical Institutes

Start: October 2022

The program

years of course
hours of practical training in a company
of teachers come from the world of work

Experiences abroad

The food industry will look for 43 thousand workers the next 5 years but ITS has got only 244 students.

“Il sole 24 ore” newspaper

86% of ITS students in Lombardy find a job one year after graduation

“Libero” newspaper.

About 90% of recruitment is in a sector related to the attended course.

“Il sole 24 ore” newspaper.

The ITS meet the real need of companies, and they train people for a “job”.

“Il sole 24 ore” newspaper.


I corsi durano 2000 ore, si sviluppano su due anni, alternando il 50% di stage a 50% di lezione (frontale, laboratori, seminari, uscite didattiche, certificazioni, patentini…).

Le lezioni hanno sede in Accademia Symposium, un convento del 1500 a Rodengo Saiano, Franciacorta (BS), restaurato per ospitare aule e laboratori secondo le moderne necessità didattiche.

Ogni studente in Accademia Symposium viene seguito personalmente in un percorso di orientamento mirato a valutare il migliore luogo dove svolgere attività di stage, in funzione di obiettivi professionali e ambizioni personali. Oltre 300 aziende già collaborano con Accademia Symposium, in tutta Italia. Gli stage si potranno svolgere in realtà aziendali con sede in tutto il mondo.
I corsi sono finanziati da Regione Lombardia con risorse del Fondo Sociale Europeo, da Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito, da Fondi PNRR. Agli allievi è richiesta una quota di 1800€/anno, dilazionata in 3 rate da 600€ durante ciascuna annualità. 
L’80% dei docenti di Accademia Symposium sono professionisti che operano nei settori specifici per i quali sono coinvolti in attività didattiche. La collaborazione con Università Cattolica, sedi di Piacenza e Cremona, consente di alternare docenze di professionisti a docenze universitarie.

La partecipazione ai corsi di Accademia Symposium è limitata a 25-30 studenti all’anno. Per poter accedere è necessario superare la selezione.

Colloquio orale per valutare la motivazione di ciascuno studente, nonché prove scritte differenti a seconda del corso di interesse.

La differenza tra un corso ITS e una laurea Triennale è sostanziale: i corsi proposti da Accademia Symposium alternano 50% di stage a 50% di didattica. La parte didattica è tenuta da docenti che per oltre l’80% provengono dal mondo aziendale. I corsi ITS sono ideati e progettati per permettere agli alunni di essere sempre a contatto con il mondo professionale, garantendo pratica costante per un rapido accesso al mondo del lavoro.

Grazie alla partnership con Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore i diplomati di Accademia Symposium possono accedere ai percorsi universitari nelle sedi di Piacenza e Cremona con riconoscimento di crediti formativi. Il numero di crediti riconosciuti varia a seconda del percorso ITS intrapreso.

Il “Diploma di Tecnico Superiore” viene rilasciato dal Ministero dell’Istruzione ed è riconosciuto dallo Stato italiano.
Le competenze acquisite sono corrispondenti al Quadro europeo delle qualifiche – EQF: Percorso Biennale V livello EQF.

Gli esami finali si svolgono alla fine del percorso formativo e sono condotti da una commissione d’esame presieduta da un docente universitario e composta da un rappresentante della scuola, da esperti del mondo del lavoro e della formazione professionale.

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Course created by “Fondazione ITS Symposium”

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