Are you looking for a course with an international approach combining the world of wine with tourism and marketing work?
Wine Marketing and Tourism
The SMART MANAGER OF WINE MARKETING AND TOURISM has all the qualities of a specialized and professional figure such as the knowledge of Wine, knowledge of the land and its cultural heritage, online and offline marketing, tourism management, international horizon
If you want to discover how to pursue a CAREER IN THE WORLD OF WINE, thought to meet the growing demands of companies, CLICK BELOW:
Educational Partner:
Università Cattolica

Teaching in foreign languages and the possibility of international experiences
The technical use of the English language is essential in the teaching of Wine Hospitality. That’s why some educational modules will be done in English

Live experience on AGRI CAMPUS

Professional and university teachers
Teaching is provided by University teachers and 70% by professionals, competent and updated teachers in the fields
After 2 years of course you have:

The “Higher Technical Degree” released by the Ministry of Education and recognized by the Italian Government.
The competences acquired correspond to the European Qualifications Framework – EQF
- Two-year course V EQF level

English language tasting course with WSET teachers

HACCP certificate

Foreign experiences

Internships in companies

High risk safety certificate

Network of professionals

Fast entry to the world of work

Intensive course of social media management and public speaking
Enrico Donati - L'analisi del vino
Maybe someone told you:
“You need a degree to enter the world of work”
With the ITS diploma 8 out of 10 young people find work. It is the real alternative to the university but only a few know it in Europe
"It is really difficult to find a work in a winery"
The food and wine tourism is growing strongly and in the last 3 years it has marked double-digit increases.
Is it a figure highly requested in Italy and abroad?

What skills will you gain?

That’s why this course is different from other ones:
The study plan is defined with companies based on their real needs
The collaboration with “Università Cattolica” guarantees a high quality training course
Intensive courses of digital marketing and public speaking to become communication professionals
Licenses and certifications required by the world of work
Seminars, lessons and educational visits dedicated to technological innovations in the field
1000 hours on internships in companies to learn by doing and be ready for the world of work
The food industry will look for 43 thousand workers the next 5 years but ITS has got only 244 students.
“Il sole 24 ore” newspaper.
86% of ITS students in Lombardy find a job one year after graduation
“Libero” newspaper.
About 90% of recruitment is in a sector related to the attended course.
“Il sole 24 ore” newspaper.
The ITS meet the real need of companies, and they train people for a “job”.
“Il sole 24 ore” newspaper.
What our students say

Pietro Rigamonti
I attended the hotel management school and I worked in different accommodation facilities and famous restaurants so that I became more and more interested in the world of wine.
When I knew about the Wine Marketing and Tourism course of Symposium Academy, I immediately thought it was the right one to improve my passion. What attracted me and what I experience every day is a deep and comprehensive approach.

Luca Vezzoli
The strengths of the course are the professional figures of the wine sector and the large number of educational visits to important winery companies.
I recommend it to those who love the wine world and want to find a job in this sector.

Veronica Ghiotto
I attended Symposium Academy because I had a dream: I want to use in the world of wine my previous studies in foreign languages.
We work with very interesting people, professionals and University professors who transmit their great passion.
I got very important results: I’m making my dream come true.

Valentina Commisso
I graduated at a tourism school and in the future I would like to work in a winery.
I attended this course although I hadn’t a great knowledge about wine. I attendedit to learn, to getmy goal.
Prenota un incontro!
What our students say

Valentina Cassetta
I love wine and I would like to link my passion to a job in a winery in the future.
I suggest this course to people who want to learn something more about this sector. The lessons and the educational visits are always high level. I’mvery happy to be part of the school.

Mariapaola Costanzi
I attended the hotel management school and I had a great number of experiences in the restaurant industry, that’s why I considered the idea to specialize in wine tourism.
So I decided to start my studies at Symposium Academy and I’m really satisfied.

Barbara Pisoni
I am a mother of two children aged 9 and 7 and I work full time as an administrative employee on a farm.
I decided to attend the course on Wine Marketing and Tourism because I wanted to know what’s inside a glass of wine. I was able to combine my interest in wine with my work.
I corsi durano 2000 ore, si sviluppano su due anni, alternando il 50% di stage a 50% di lezione (frontale, laboratori, seminari, uscite didattiche, certificazioni, patentini…).
Le lezioni hanno sede in Accademia Symposium, un convento del 1500 a Rodengo Saiano, Franciacorta (BS), restaurato per ospitare aule e laboratori secondo le moderne necessità didattiche.
La partecipazione ai corsi di Accademia Symposium è limitata a 25-30 studenti all’anno. Per poter accedere è necessario superare la selezione.
La differenza tra un corso ITS e una laurea Triennale è sostanziale: i corsi proposti da Accademia Symposium alternano 50% di stage a 50% di didattica. La parte didattica è tenuta da docenti che per oltre l’80% provengono dal mondo aziendale. I corsi ITS sono ideati e progettati per permettere agli alunni di essere sempre a contatto con il mondo professionale, garantendo pratica costante per un rapido accesso al mondo del lavoro.
Il “Diploma di Tecnico Superiore” viene rilasciato dal Ministero dell’Istruzione ed è riconosciuto dallo Stato italiano.
Le competenze acquisite sono corrispondenti al Quadro europeo delle qualifiche – EQF: Percorso Biennale V livello EQF.
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Course created by “Fondazione ITS Symposium”